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The Perfect Gluten Free Crumble

by Katie Bucknell

The ultimate gluten free crumble is down to perfecting the sweet crumbly topping, layered on beautifully tender fruit pieces, that manages to find the perfect happy medium of becoming too dry or too moist. Today I am doing my favourite combination: Apple and blackberry with a touch of ginger. You can substitute in any of your favourite fillings, be that rhubarb, plums or pears.

Perfect for warming you through those colder evenings and a sure crowd-pleaser, I mean, who doesn’t love crumble?!

I have been making crumble variations for many years, and this one is my favourite as it comes out perfect every time.

The Perfect Gluten Free Crumble

Serves: 6 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 3.9/5
( 11 voted )


1kg apples (Bramley apples work well)
Small punnet of blackberries
2cm piece of fresh or stem ginger from a jar
150g unsalted butter
300g gluten free plain flour
1 tbsp of caster (use more brown sugar if you don't have any caster)
200g soft brown sugar
Water - to prevent drying out


  1. Preheat your oven to 180C, Gas Mark 4.
  2. In a large bowl, combine your flour and sugar, before cutting the butter into chunks and rubbing it through the dry ingredients with your fingertips, to form crumbs.
  3. Peel and core your apples, cutting them into 2-3cm chunks. Layer them, alongside the blackberries into the base of a crumble / pie dish. Grate over your stem ginger (or cut into thin slices if you prefer larger chunks of ginger!). Sprinkle over the tbsp of sugar. At this stage add 3-5 tbsp of water just to prevent the fruit drying out while cooking.
  4. Cover the fruit with the crumble topping, do not pack it down, just allow it to sit on the top.
  5. Pop into the oven for 30-40 minutes until golden on top and the fruit is perfectly cooked through.
  6. Enjoy with your choice of cream, custard or ice cream!

Please tag me if you make this recipe and I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do!


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