by Katie Bucknell

My friend made an incredible looking cheesecake the other day, and totally inspired me to try it out. So after getting the recipe off her, I decided to create a gluten free version. It turned out great! The base held together really well and the taste of the cake itself was creamy and delicious! If you are looking for a good cheesecake recipe, I would highly recommend trying this one out.

cheesecake 2


  • 200g of gluten free biscuits (I used 100g rich tea and 100g digestive – both Sainsburys own brand)
  • 85g melted butter
  • 400g white chocolate
  • 284ml pot double cream
  • 400g full fat soft cheese, such as Philadelphia
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence


  1. Heat the oven to 180C / Gas Mark 4.
  2. Line the base of an approx 23cm springform tin with greaseproof paper / baking parchment.
  3. Put the biscuits into a food processor until they resemble fine breadcrumbs. Next add in the melt butter and whiz again to combine.
  4. Put the biscuit mixture into the base of the tin and press down to form an even layer across the bottom. Put in the oven and bake for ten minutes.
  5. Set the base aside to cool and reduce the oven temperature down to 140C / Gas Mark 1.
  6. Break the white chocolate up into a pan and add the double cream, heat until all the chocolate is melted. Rinse the food processor and combine the eggs, cream cheese, vanilla and white chocolate mix from the pan. Mix this until smooth.1 cheesecake
  7. Wrap the bottom of the baking tin with the base in with tin foil and clingfilm to make it watertight. Place this in a deep roasting pan (or similar) and fill half way up with boiling water.cheesecake 3
  8. Put this in the oven and bake for 1 hour. Then turn the oven off but leave the cheesecake in for 1-2 hours to cool, leaving the oven door slightly cracked if possible.
  9. Following that, remove from oven and lift out of the water. Throw away the foil / cling film. Be careful removing from the tin as it still could be quite delicate. Cover with clingfilm and put it in the fridge to further set for an hour or so.

cheesecake 4
Shelf life: Approx 1 week

I served it with a passion fruit and mango coulis (also bought from Sainsburys) and it made a tasty and very professional looking desert! Perfect for a dinner party or even just to treat yourself!

cheesecake 6




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1 comment

Michelle Joseph 14th October 2015 - 10:01 pm

That looks delicious.

Mich x


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